written by Maria Drake
Eight stars of gold on a field of blue
- Alaska's flag. May it mean to you
The blue of the sea, the evening sky,
The mountain lakes, and the flow'rs nearby;
The gold of the early sourdough's dreams,
The precious gold of the hills and streams;
The brilliant stars in the northern sky,
The "Bear" - the "Dipper" - and, shining high,
The great North Star with its steady light,
Over land and sea a beacon bright.
Alaska's flag - to Alaskans dear,
The simple flag of a last frontier.
They fish, hunt, grow enormous vegetables to winter themselves through cold, cold temperatures. The symbol on the Alaska Flag (Big Dipper and North Star) truly reflects what Alaskans are all about. Many times Alaskans cannot and will not depend on materialism or new technology, but choose to survive through self-sustaining relationships with mother-nature, a determined will and spirit, family, and friends. They depend on strong work ethics, helping each other, and generational survival techniques. Understandingly, many young children are home schooled.
This truly has been a life-time experience that both Nancy and I will never forget. When you consider the population of Alaska (approximately 725,000) living in a state that is almost 2 1/2 times bigger than Texas - there is something to be said about those numbers. You either make it through a winter in Alaska or you don't! The time clock has been turned back over 100 years now with the excitement and challenge of a new generation of gold seekers. This is truly "The Last Frontier" in America. We hope that you all have an opportunity to enjoy it someday soon.
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