We traveled the Yellowhead Highway south to Clearwater, BC and spent the night at the KOA campground. The next morning we did some grocery shopping and headed up the Clearwater River highway to our friend's (Jim & Colleen Vadheim) cabin in the valley. Their cabin is located just outside of Well Gray Provincial Park on 70 acres of some of the most beautiful and pictureque land that you can imagine. From the first day of our arrival, until our departure, the time was filled with excitment, adventure, exploring, laughter, fun, good food, friendship, and many unforgettable memories together. Our day would start with a cup of coffee in the early morning, sitting on the deck, counting the black bear grazing in the surrounding pastures. We would occasionly see sand-hill cranes, Canadian geece teaching their young survial skills, a doe with her new-born fawn, and the pastured horses romancing each other.
We hiked into the bush, viewed some of the most dramatic waterfalls, took a boat trip up the pristine Clearwater Lake, played golf, and had a very interesting experience with a black bear that weighted around 600 lbs. or more. This was a very special time for us to spend with our friends and bring to a close our exciting trip. We headed home on June 11th which was our granddaughter's 18th birthday and for her graduation from high school on June 14th. Thanks Jim & Colleen for a great time - we love you guys!
We arrived home safe and sound to Fox Island. Upon completion of our trip, TREK'S odometer had an additional 5,500 miles. We averaged 21.8 miles per gallon on our trip - not bad! You better get yourself a ROADTREK before they run out of them!
CLICK HERE to view our picture slideshow. If you would like to read the picture captions, then change the viewing time from 3 to 6 seconds. When you have finished viewing the slideshow, click the BACK ARROW icon in the upper left corner of the page and it will take you back to our blog page - enjoy!
Wow---it does look like beautiful country! Jim's cabin looks like a great little get-away. I wonder how many structures he has built over his lifetime? What a talented man.
You took some great photos. We're both impressed. Anyway, we loved having you visit, and do hope you will come again. Love to you both, Colleen and Jim
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