We are currently in Dillon, MT and are staying the night at Southside RV Park. The elevation is around 5,100' in Dillon and it is suppose to get into the mid-20's tonight. Dillon, MT is a farm and ranch community that has a touch of culture, history, and recreation. At one time it was the largest wool shipping point in Montana. It was also central for early Montana mining camps and settlements. We decided not to cross over Lost Trail Pass (7,100') because of the severe winter conditions in the mountains today, so decided to go east on HWY 90 to Butte, MT and then head south to Dillon, MT on HWY 15. We had dinner at Sparky's Garage Diner where we had a plate of BQ pork ribs, baked beans, sweet potato fries, and corn bread. that were outstanding. Our waitress, Melody, just graduated from University of Montana Western with a 4 year degree in education. She was very excited, full of idealism, and energy. She had just finished her first job interview and will be teaching 2nd grade. Her class load will be 13 lucky kids.
The University of Montana Western was built in 1890 as a Normal School, preferably a teacher training college. It recently has branched out into other academic areas, thus becoming affiliated with the Unversity of Montana. Melody's classes during her 4 year preparation were very much different than other institutions. She attended class for 18 days, from start to finish, and took her final. She would be in class for 3 hours per day for that time period. She mentioned that it was a very concentrated program, but she loved the learning experience.
As you can see from the picture above of TREK, we woke up to a very beautiful morning for our trip through Yellowstone National Park and onto Cody, WY.
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Snow and tremendous wind in May. Welcome to Montana! It sounds like you're adapting remarkably well, which is what these trips are all about.
I talked to Jimmy this morning - finally. They left a day late, also, so got up to Clearwater on Saturday evening. All is fine, but Jim has been sick. I was wondering why I hadn't heard from him. Only one bear so far. They are waiting for you. Love, Col
Hey kids,
Sounds like a big adventure. Hopefully the weather should warm and clear pretty soon. We envy your travels and wish we were traveling with you two!!
Keep us posted. Chris & Jim
Where are the pictures today? That's my favorite part!
Okay, you have me in suspense. Post already! I want to make sure you are not stuck in some snowbank!!
Chris and Jim
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